"Chaos is our inexhaustible source of evolution"
Keeping going into the heart of emptiness, I’ve suddenly run against another interesting display of it: the Chaos. I think simplicity has a certain form, or shape, it is a sort of structured notion , so that it could be logical to conclude that it is just a substructure of the Chaos, its product, as Chaos doesn’t have any structure at all, being at the same time the creator of it. So I asked myself if I had chosen the right way to move, maybe I should have looked for the “Great Everything”, instead of the “Great Nothing”…
To sum up, I’m trying to say that the Chaos is an eternal producer of everything in the World. It is like a blank sheet of paper where you can depict anything you like, even simplicity, or it is like a huge piece of plasticine, which you can impart into any shape or structure you wish. In other words, Chaos – is our inexhaustible source of evolution and creative material. That is why I found this idea to be worth being developed and transmitted to my art works as
“Children are enjoying the first snow”,
“Patched soul” and others.